Yoga for Depression & Anxiety
Basic movements (yoga sopan book)
Preparatory movements (yoga pravesh book)
Sun Salutatons with slow speed (yoga pravesh book)
Preparatory Movements type 1 to 10 with slow speed
Sun Salutations 12 rounds in 8 minutes
Bhujangasana (1 minute)
Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute on wach side)
Shalabhasana (15 Secs)
Ushtrasana (2 min)
Dhunurasana (30 sec)
Trikonasana (1 minute on each side)
Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minutes on each side)
Veerasana (1 minute on each side)
Paschimottasana (1 minute)
Shavasana (when needed)
Cleansing Practices Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds
Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds (each round 30 seconds)
Jalaneti (Once a week) - Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana (once a week)
Pranayama Anulom Vilom Deep Breathing 15 minutes
Ujjayi Pranayama without kumbhak for 10 minutes
Right Nostrill Purak followed by Bhramari Rechak (21 rounds)
Vipareetkarni, Vakrasana, Uttanpadasana, Pawavanmuktasana, Ardhpaschimottanasana, Sulabh Ushtrasana, Marjarasana - Garudasana, Patangasana.
Bothnostrill breathing, Bhramari Pranayama without kumbhak Bhastrika pranayama without Kumbhak
Cleasing Practices
Neti - Dand Dhouti - Vastra Dhouti - Nouli (all types) Walking for 60 minutes
Shirshasana (Head stand) & its variations.
Any Pranayama with Kumbhak.
Normal food with less fats & carbohydrates but with high fibres. Best food is fruits & vegetables.
Nonveg food, Oily & Spicy food, refined foods, Fast Food, Preserved Food. Salts.
No. | Asana / Yoga Technique | Duration in Minutes |
1 | Sun Salutation 12 + 2 | 10 |
2 | Shavasana (corpse pose) | 2 |
3 | Bhujangasana (cobrea pose - straight hand + bent hand) | 2 |
4 | Shalabhasana (bocust pose) | 1 |
5 | Dhanurasana (bow pose) 3 rounds | 5 |
6 | Makarasana | 2 |
7 | Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) | 3 |
8 | Halasana (plough pose) | 2 |
9 | Matsyasana | 1 |
10 | Shavasana | 2 |
11 | Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist) | 5 |
12 | Paschimottanasana | 1 |
13 | Akarna Dhunurasana | 2 |
14 | Ushtrasana | 1 |
15 | Shavasana | 2 |
16 | Trikonasana (Triangle) from both sides | 3 |
17 | Veerasana | 3 |
18 | Shavasana | 2 |
19 | Agnisar (stimulating fire technique) | 3 |
20 | Uddiyan Bandha (abdominal lock) | 3 |
21 | Kapalabhati 5 rounds of 1 min, each | 5 |
22 | Shavasana (corpse pose) | 2 |
23 | Anulom Vilom Deep breathing OR Right nostrill purak & Bhramari Rechak | 10 |
24 | Ujjayi Breathing | 10 |
25 | Prayer | 7 |
Total Time | 90 | |
Omkar Chanting | 30 | |
Jala Neti ( once a week ) | ||
Laghoo Shankh Prakashalana (once a week) | ||
Yoga Nidra for Stress relief (Every day 1 time) | 30 | |
Listen Omkar chanting throughout the night |
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