Friday, January 14, 2011

Parivrathaikapaada Sheershaasana

                                                   Parivrathaikapaada Sheershaasana
This aasana develops the leg muscles and tones the kidneys, bladder,prostate and intestines.
1.After completing Paarshva Sheersaasana,spread the legs apart,move the right leg forward and the left leg back evenly.Then exhale, twist the spine to the left so that the legs movesedeways clockwise through 90°(degrees). 2.After turning sideways,keep the legs poder stiff by tightening the hamstring muscles,knees and calves.
3.Spread the legs still wider and stay in that position from 20 to 30 seconds trying to breathe normally.
4.Exhale,come to the straight Saalamba-Sheersaasana-1.Now, move the left leg forward and the right leg back,twist the spine to the right so that the segs move sideways anti-clockwise through 90°(degrees). Stay in that position for the same length of time.Exhale and return to Saalamba-Sheersaasana-1.


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