Friday, January 14, 2011

Paarshva Sheershaasana

                                                          Paarshva Sheershaasana
EFFECTS This aasana makes the spine strong and elastic
1.From the straight Saalamba Sheersaasana-1,exhale,and move the spine with a twist to the right;except the head and the hands turn the body sideways.
2.The legs and navel should face sideways 90°(degrees) to their original positions as in the illustrations.One should feel the stretch near the region of the floating ribs.
3.Hold the ose from 20 to 30 seconds with normal breathing.
4.Exhale,come back to the straight Saalamb Sheersaasana-1.Take a breath,exhale and repeat the pose on the left side for the same length of time.Exhale and come to the straight position of Saalamba- Sheersaasana-1.


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