Technique :
In the first position of Surya Namaskara, meditate on the Sun god and feel oneness with all the creatures of the world. Then keep the head, the neck and the whole body erect. Keep the knees. close together, shoulders straight and the hands downwards at the sides of the body. Stand erect with the chest expanded. Direct the eyes to the tip of the nose. , "Daksha" means to stand in attention. So the first position is called Dakshasana.
Health Benefits of DAKSHASANA Yoga :-
■It cures skin diseases and the ailments strengthens the back and rejuvenates the legs.
■As the eyes are fixed on the tip of the nose, the mind countenance becomes bright and radiant students, it is a very easy method to obtain, assert personality.
■The countenance becomes bright and radiant.
■For students, it is a very easy method to obtain health and assert personality.
■Concentrated meditation increases self-confidence.
Sunday, January 9, 2011

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