Friday, January 14, 2011

Paarshvaika paada Sheershaasana

                                                        Paarshvaika paada Sheershaasana
This aasana makes the neck,abdominal walls and thighs powerful.It tones and strengthens the intestines and the spine.
1.Do this position after completing Eka Paada Sheersaasana as described earlier.
2.Exhale and lower the right leg sideways to the right,placing it on the floor in line with the head. Keep the left leg erect as in Sheersaasana.
3.It is more difficult to hold the head stand in this position than in Eka Paada Sheersaasana.To balance on the head in this pose, stretch the muscles at the back of the thighs of both the legs, tighten the the knees and muscles of the groin in the iliac region of the abdomen on the side of the lowered leg.
4.Stay in this position for 10 to 20 seconds with deep breathing.Stretch the hamstrings and thighs and with an exhalation move the right leg to the Sheersaasana position.
5.Stay in Sheersaasana for some time and then exhale,lower the left leg sideways to the floor until it rests in line with the head.Maintain the pose for the same length of eime here also.Then exhale,and return to Sheersaasana.
6.Do not bend the knees while lowering or raising the legs or you will lose balance


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