Friday, January 14, 2011


The aasana is sacred to yogi.While describing the qualities of a sthita-prajna(one who is stable of mind) to to Arjuna, the Bsessed Lord says:"When, again as a tortoise draws its limbs in on all sides, he withdraws his senses from the objects of sense, and then his under-standing is well-poised" (Bhagaavad Gita, second descourse, verse )In this aasana the limbs are withdrawn and the body resembles a tortoise. The mind becomes calm and composed and on develops equanimity whether in sorrow or in joy. It will gradually become free from anciety amid pains and indiffenrent amid pleasures, while the emotions of passion, fear and anger will loosen their hold upon the mind.
On the purely physical level the effects are also great.It tones the spine, activates the abdominal organs and keeps one energetic and healthy.It soothes the nerves of the brain and after completing it one feels refreshed as thugh one had woken up from a long undisturbed sleep.
This aasana prepares the aspirant for the fifth stage of yogic practices,pratyahaara(withdrawal of the senses from outside objects)

1.Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front.Widen the legs until the distance between the two knees is about a foot and a half.
2.Bend the knees and lift them up by drawing the feet towards the trunk.
3.Exhale,bend the trunk forward and insert the hands one by one under the knees.Push the arms underneath the knees and stretch them straight out sideways.Rest the shoulders on the floor and keep the palms on it.Take a breath.
4.Exhale,stretch the trunk,still more, extend the neck and bring the forehead, then the chin and lastly the chest down to the floor. Then stretch the legs straight again.The knees will then be near the armpits and the back of the knees will touch the back of the upper arms near the armpits.
5.Gradually intensify the stretch until the chin and the chest rest on the floor.Extend the legs fully also and press the heels down to the floor. This is the first stage.Hold this position from 30 to 60 seconds.
6.Now turn the wrists so that the palms face up, and keeping the legs, trunk and head in the same position, move the arms back from the shoulders and stretch them straight so that the forearms are near the hip joints.Stay in this position wihout bending the elbows for 30 to 60 seconds.This is the second stage.
7.Bend and lift up the knees.Then lift the chest slightly off the floor, move the hands behind the back by bending at the elbows and clasp them.
8.Now move the feet towards the head.Interlock the feet at the ankles by placing the right foot over the left one or vice versa.
9.Exhale, insert the head in between the feet and keep the forehead on the floor. The back of the head will touch the interlocked feet near the ankles. This is the final stage known as "supta Kurmaasana"


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