Friday, January 14, 2011

Ekapaada Sheershaasana

                                                              Ekapaada Sheershaasana
This is a difficult pose,so it may not be possible to touch the floor in the beginning.Gradually as the legs become more elastic and the back gets stronger,the legs will touch and then rest on the floor without loss of the head balance.This aasana strengthens the neck and also the abdominal walls. The abdominal organs are contracted and made to function well.
1.After staying according to your capacity in Saalamba-Sheersaasana-1,exhale,and move the right leg down to the floor in front of the head.
2.While the right leg is being lowered and is resting on the floor,the left leg should be held up vertically as in Sheersaasana.
3.In the beginning ,the neck feels tremendous strain.The left leg is also dragged down forwards. To overcome this,keep the legs rigid at the knees and stretch the muscles at the back of the thighs of both the legs.Also teghten the muscles of the lower median portion of the abdomen.
4.The knees and toes of both legs should be in a line and should not tilt side ways.
5.Stay in the pose from 10 to 20 seconds with deep breathing.Exhale,and lift the right leg up to Sheersaasana.
6.After staying in Sheersaasana for some time,lower the left leg to the floor and after keeping it on the floor for the same length of time,exhale and go back to Sheersaasana.
7.While lowering and raising the legs,keep them straight and do not bend at the knees.If the knees are bent one loses the head balance.


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