Sunday, January 2, 2011

pavanamuktasana Yoga

                                                             pavanamuktasana Yoga
As its name suggests, this asana gives relief from excess wind in the belly. This asana can be performed by raising one leg or both the legs.

How to do ardha pavanamuktasana
Lie flat on the back. Keep the heels of both the legs together. Inhale deeply and bend the right knee towards the stomach and hold it with both the hands. Raise the head above the ground and bring the chin closer to the knee so that it touches the knee-cap. Exhale and press the muscles of the right abdomen with the right thigh. Keep the stomach pressed till the breath is suspended. This asana is called ‘Dakshina Pavanamuktasana'. If this asana is performed with the left leg, it is called ‘Vama Pavanamuktasana'. Practise this exercise with both the legs together. This is called 'Puma Pavanamuktasana'. While holding the legs with both the hands, exhale and control the breathing. Then slowly begin inhaling while stretching the legs out. (Women are advised not to practise this asana after conception.)

Health Benefits of pavanamuktasana Yoga Posture:
■Pavanamuktasana is the best natural way to get rid of foul gases.
■It reduces obesity of the body and the fat around the abdomen.
■It prevents heart-trouble and improves the working of the lungs.
■This asana cures diseases such as gas, constipation, the disorders of the uterus, intestinal worms, appendix, rheumatism, piles, blood-impurities, windiness in the stomach, etc.


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