This asana is also called 'Suptagorakshasana'. Japa, Pranayama, Dhyana (Meditation) and other activities can be performed easily in this asana. This can be performed in two different postures.
Technique Suptabhadrasana Yoga 1:Bend the right leg at the knee and join the heel in front of the right side of the genitals. Similarly, bend the left leg at the knee and join the heel in front of the left side of the genitals. Let the soles touch each other. Then lie flat on the back. Now, lie in such a way as the heels do not touch the part close to the genitals. While performing this exercise, the soles of both the feet should be in constant touch with each other. Now, spread the arms sideways and place the hands on the thighs and press them down quite gently. Both the arms should remain straight. Do this exercise for thirty seconds in the beginning and gradually increase the time to maximum of fifteen minutes.
Technique Suptabhadrasana Yoga 2:First practise Suptabhadrasana as shown in technique 1. Then close the hands by interlocking the fingers of both the hands. Raise the head, the neck and the shoulders. Slide the interlocked hands over the soles and stretch the heels pressing the thighs. Now, straighten both the hands and allow the body to relax. Those who find , Baddhahastapadmasana' difficult to perform should practise this asana. Practise this asana for thirty seconds at the beginning. Gradually, increase the time to maximum of three minutes.
Health Benefits of Suptabhadrasana Yoga:
■This asana stimulates the blood circulation with the result that the internal glands function properly.
■It strengthens the heart. The heart beats normally even if one works strenuously.
■As the spine remains erect in this asana, the activities like Japa, Pranayama, Meditation, etc. can be done easily.
■It sublimates Kundalini Shakti.
■As this asana makes every system of the body much more active, the body becomes healthy and the mind cheerfuI.
■The second technique of Suptabhadrasana streng¬thens the joints and the muscles of the arms and the legs.
■This asana is of the same category of Padmasana, Matsyasana and Padmadolasana, so it has all the benefits of those asanas. It can cure all such diseases as are cured by the asanas mentioned above.
Sunday, January 2, 2011

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