This invigorating posture tones the abdominal organs and keeps them free from sluggishness.It also tones the kidneys and rejuvenates the entire spine,while the digestion is improved.The lateral twist stimulates blood circulation in the spine and relieves backaches.Due to the stretch of the pelvic region, more oxygenated blood is brought there and the gonad glands absorb the required nutrition from the blood. This increases vitality, helps to cure impotency and promotes sex control.
STEPS :---1.Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front.keep the knees tight and the legs touching each other at the knees, ankles, heels and big toes.
2.Exhale,extend the right arm towards the left foot.Twist the right forearm and teh right wrist so that the right thumb points to the floor and the right little finger points up.Then with the right hand hold the puter side of the left foot.Take a breath.
3.Now,exhale,extend the left arm over the right forearm keeping the left wrist up.Twist the left forearm and the left wrist so that the left thumb points to the floor and the left little finger points up. Hold the outer side of the right foot and take a breath.
4.Exhale,twist the trunk about 90° (degrees) to the left by bending and widening the elbows. Take a breath.Exhale again,move the head between the arms and look up. The back portion of the upper right arm near the armpit will rest across the left knee. Try and rest the right side ribs on the left thigh.Due to the lateral twist of the trunk, breathing will be fast.Hold the aasana for about 20seconds.
5.Inhale,release the hands and move the trunk back to its original position.
6.Now twist the trunk to the right and repeat the aasana for the same length of time, following the technique given above, but substituting the word'left' for the word 'right' and the word 'right' for the word'left'.
Urdhwamukha-pashchimotthaanaasana The aasana helps balance and poise.The legs stretch fully which makes the thighs and calves shapely. The benefits are the same as those of Pashchimottaanaasana, and in addition this aasana prevents hernia and relieves severe backaches.Urdhwamukha-pashchimotthaanaasana-1
STEPS 1:--1.Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front.
2.Flex the knees and bring the feet closer to the buttocks.
3.Catch the toes with the hands, exhale and stretch the legs up in the air,straighten them at the knees, pull the knee-caps towards the thighs and balance on the buttocks,keeping the spine as concave as you can. This position is called"Ubhaya Paadaangushtaasana".
To start with one rolls over backwards to the floor, and it takes some time and practice to learn to balance on the buttocks alone.Stay in the aasana from 30 to 60 seconds with normal breathing.
4.After securing the balance,release the toes and hold the heels.
5.When this becomes easy, interlock the fingers behind the extended feet and balance.Then without disturbing the position of the legs, move the head and trunk nearer to them, stretch the neck up and with an exhalation rest the forehead on the knees.Now stretch the legs up to the full extent and also the spine.Hold the aasana for about 30 seconds with normal breathing.
6.Inhale,release the hands, bend the legs, rest them on the floor and relax.(pic-1)
1.Lie flat on the floor or carpet and place the hands straight over the head.
2.Stretch the legs straight, tighten the knees and take a few deep breaths.
3.Exhale and slowly raise the legs together and bring them over the head.
4.Interlock the fingers, clasp the soles and stretch the legs straight up with the knees kept tight. Rest the entire back on the floor.Take three deep breaths.
5.Exhale,lower the legs towards the floor beyond the head by widening the elbows.Try and keep the pelvis as near the floor as possible.keep the legs tightened at the knees throughout.Rest the chin on the knees.
6.Stay in the position from 30 to 60seconds, breathing evenly.
7.Exhale and move the legs to the original position.
8.Inhale,release the hands, bring the legs straight to the floor and relax.
Friday, January 14, 2011

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